Izabella Agárdi
Izabella Agárdi (Hungary) is a historian and holds a Ph.D. from Utrecht University, The Netherlands, an MA in Gender Studies from Central European University, Hungary and an MA in English Studies from the University of Szeged, Hungary. Her research interests are oral history, gender studies, rural women’s history, contemporary historiography and literary theory. She focuses on the intersections of personal and public narratives, practices of periodization and tropes of narrating 20th-century history in Central Europe. She is interested in how individuals understand historical transformations – including localized forms of understanding and narrating Central-European-type state socialism in a larger context of changes and continuities. She has also published on the material culture and political rhetoric of former socialist countries. She is a former member of European research networks of excellence (Cliohres, Athena, ATGENDER).
Topic: On the Verge of History: Women’s History Telling in Central Europe after the 20th Century